Helping Market GetGlow Could Help Your Business


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After stumbling upon a “request for marketing help” post at the Publicity Hound’s blog (Natural hair care Products Company needs publicity ideas) I decided to add my two cents. The inquiring company’s plea went something like, “We’ve gotten a fair amount of coverage in national magazines which you can see at but we need more people to find out about us…”  Below is my response to the folks over at Get Glow Products.  Perhaps my suggestions just might help your marketing plans as well.

… I suggest creating a series of short 2-3 minute videos where you show women how to manage common hair care problems, showcasing your products in the process. Once your videos are produced you might consider the following distribution options:

  1. YouTube:
    Millions of people now use YouTube videos to help them solve everyday problems from food recipes to household cleaning tips…why not haircare problems
  2. Your website:
    Upload your videos to a multi-episodic streaming environment like where you can easily feature all of your videos in a compact video player on your website and viewers can select from among all of your demos.
  3. Pitch the videos to beauty industry bloggers:
    Bloggers love “good” video content. See my blog post on this:
  4. Lobby Loops:
    Give the videos to salons to play as looped content in their waiting rooms.
  5. Evangelize:
    Create handheld versions of your videos for satisfied customers to download onto their multimedia capable smartphones and iPod devices. They will become walking commercials for you.
  6. Pitch your video to popular social networking site managers (myspace, etc.):
    You would be surprised at how much traffic some of these sites get and if you select sites that cater to your target audience, your videos will find a home.

Related Topics:

  1. All Marketing 911 Posts
  2. Working With Multi-Channel Video Players (1 of 3)
  3. For hundreds of ways to get customers to call you (subscribe to our newsletter) (browse archive)

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One Response to “Helping Market GetGlow Could Help Your Business”

  1. Owen Lawson Says:

    After touring the, I had two takeaways.

    #1 – Your webutation would be greatly enhanced with video testimonials from your raving fanatics (fans).

    #2 – Encourage the Salon communities mentioned in point 4 to participate in a blog where they can extract value and deliver value within an online community. These communites empower/embolden the voice of your customers.

    #3 – Harness Glow’s inner Groundswell ( The unique answer to your question is in the groundswell. Use tips 1, 3, and 6 to harvest your market and align with their interests and needs.

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